Monday, January 6, 2014



Ok so you girls (who watch gossip girl) probably know that already, as for the girls who don't… I highly suggest you watch it! Honestly! Ok so you ''say'' you're a girl who isn't girly and doesn't like those things but honey, truth is every girl likes theses kind of things. Therefore I highly suggest you watch it.

For guys, well it's a girly show so I accept the fact if you don't want to watch it!

So to that, in the past two days I have finished two amazing things. 
1. The IT book by Alexa Chung
2. Gossip Girl.

I feel empty in a way that I honestly don't know what to do anymore! I have been watching Gossip Girl since my last break up two summers ago and ever since I felt amazed and strong by that show! It highly influenced me, ok so maybe not the little schemes they would constantly play but their clothing inspired me, the kind of girl Blair was. I want to be her.

It kind of made me day dream into maybe one day I will be in a world like that, (I mean who wouldn't seriously, like the girls are wearing Louboutins and Chanel etc! 

Ok so it's over… I know have to find another show, sadly I really have no idea what to watch now thanks to the fact I watched every girl show on earth. (It's my girly thing)

As for the book, it was amazing, and Alexa Chung is an Icon.
Ok again, she is young, so being an Icon I don't know if she really likes being called that but hey it's true and I would be honoured if I were her.
I find I reflect and think just like her. It was so easy to read her book because I feel like I was reading myself, my life, my view on things… But in more of a Tom boyish kind of way.

So yes, it is now in my bucket list to meet her. 
Well quite frankly who wouldn't right? DUH. 

So with these two things ending (a tiny part of my chapter) I can somewhat feel more mature. If I grew up and suddenly became 30. 

I really don't want to think one day I will be 30, I can hardly imagine that this year I will be turning 20!!

So. I'm not going to die on the fact that I finished GG.
On the contrary I will try and live it. The fashion sense that is, unlike the GG group, I am not a scandalous, scheming women, I am more of a sophisticated mature one. 
But the fashion sphere of the show, and the lifestyle they live is def something I would like to achieve!

So For now I can content on starting to act like an upper east side and dress nicely. Keep it in the veins, (again not the scheming) And just be myself.

We all need inspiration! 


Friday, January 3, 2014

Introducing 2014


As to last night! Ok so I'm not totally over my vacation yet… I go back to school next Wednesday but the fact of being back home, waking up this morning with a nice espresso coffee watching BT Montreal cozy in my furry blanket, kind of makes me feel like ''Ok. Time to get back to to business!'' Especially as I open my computer up, and check out my Tumblr, FB, Website  and WRITE A BLOG! 

So as the normal life starts up again, I hope you guys have relaxed well over the holidays, I gained a few pounds which means it's time to hit the gym again and start loosing those calories. (I keep in mind that if I keep going to the gym, I will one day look like one of the VS angels and be discovered etc. etc.) Ok so what a girl can't dream?! 

As to my resolutions I have 2:
1. To try and keep a Gossip Girl wardrobe(So basically to try and look more sophisticated)
2. To try and improve my photography, and work harder into realizing concepts with a team. And to perhaps even get published!

Yes. I think my main goal is to try and get published in a magazine. I would def love that! But I have to keep working harder and to not give up! 

Also I will be graduating in April, so that is quite promising, but yet very stressful. Being done school. Oh god. What do I day the day after I graduate!? Ideally if I could I would totally go on a trip but sadly that's not the case so for now I'm kind of wondering what will really happen when I graduate.. 
I guess find a decent job…

But hey, lets not stress about that yet! I can start stressing more about that sometime closer to April! 
For now I can just content myself of getting back to reality and go back to my usual routine.

Also, I did not just set aside my beautiful camera over the holidays! No I did not! I did a couple of shoots, also a nice auto portrait session and family portraits and such to keep me in the spirit of my passion for photography. Sure I relaxed and tried to not play with it too much but now that I have no deadlines I can finally just have fun and relax with the camera.

But to be honest, I really can't wait to start working on hard core fashion photography projects! I would ideally like to start one in January but I might have to wait until February! But it will happen quite soon because I already have two concepts in my head and I really can't wait to see the final project!

As to this blog, well I'm sorry it's not quite that exciting. A part from being the first blog of the year, and to being more of an introduction to the new year ahead and my many plans, it feels good to be able to lay out all my wishes and planing my year a bit. As to you, I hope you will too! Okay well if you don't it doesn't really change anything but sometimes if you plan a few things and accomplish a few projects on your list, either it's going to the movies more ofter, seeing friends or getting published, I find it's important to have goals because it gives some spice in your life and makes it more interesting and fun.

Plus it gives you more confidence and well.. Don't you feel more proud and mature?!!

Happy getting back to the real world guys! 

Enjoy, xx

Friday, December 20, 2013

Happy Holidays!! xx



Yes, only 5 little days until christmas! 
To me it already kind of feels like christmas from the part of being on vacation and having time to actually relax and totally do nothing! 
Ok maybe not just do nothing, but you know what I mean, to just RELAX.

And also vacation time gives me time to like… Focus on my work and prepare for future projects in the near future.
As for my break so far, I actually accomplished a lot that I wanted to do! First off I managed to fit in a test shoot with a model I met at the Griffe Fashion show! Very lovely lady, and very sophisticated and sociable! We braved the -30 degrees weather to go shoot outside in the snow, which was pretty awesome. And our 3hour shoot actually ended up being a 1hour shoot but hey I got the pictures I wanted and honestly, it was FREEZING!

Secondly, I had an interview with this upcoming lifestyle blogger! My first interview ever, so honestly I kind of feel totally awesome and the girl who interviewed me was amazing! She is a brilliant blogger, very warming and easy to become friends with. As soon as she came in, I felt like I knew her over a century and we connect right away. We just started talking and before we knew it I kind of answered all her questions without her really asking any! 
Ok so I like to talk ok? Nothing wrong with that! 

One thing I found kind of funny was when she mentioned my Tumblr. I haven't touched my Tumblr in like… A YEAR!!! Ok maybe a little less but you know what I mean so I decided the following morning to delete my Tumblr and to redo the whole thing in which I did and it is a lot nicer! And now I will commit to keep refreshing it to make it look nice and lady fashion like! 

And then when I finally re created my Tumblr I was like… Ok… I should probably write a blog… SO I'M DOING IT NOW! 

But you guys all kind of know it takes me a while to write blogs, ok so I'm soooo not a writer and I've been busy with myself and my photography that I haven't had the time to actually give myself time to sit down grab the Mac and write one! 

Which is kind of going to be my NY resolution! 
SPEAKING OF NEW YEARS! Yesterday I bought my NY outfit which was kind of inspired from Gossip Girl(Because my first resolution is to be a lady, with a Gossip Girl inspired wardrobe) and thanks to the beautiful staff of Topshop, I found the perfect dress, with the perfect gold accessories to go with it!

HINT: I have a really nice gold headpiece!

So yeah! And thankfully for me I finished all my xmas shopping in November so December I didn't really had to go shopping which is awesome because the mall is jammed packed and don't even mention about finding parking….

So I hope you all have a great holiday! I will be quite busy starting tomorrow in which I am hosting a friend christmas party dinner, and then Tuesday and Wednesday are family time and then leaving on the 27 to the 2nd to Toronto to visit my father and family from down there!
So I will probably be incognito from the blog point of view but I will try to write something in between the holidays!

Just one thing before I let you guys go and wish you all a wonderful christmas:

Have fun, be happy, don't worry about getting fat during the holidays due to the amazing yummy foods you will be indulging. 
Just be happy, thankful and have an amazing holiday with friends and family, and enjoy relaxing and especially, feel amazing!

Enjoy, xx

Monday, December 9, 2013

Oil changes are important because…..?

Another week begins!

Oh and it's my last week of school until holiday break! Which means CHRISTMAS IS ALMOST HERRRRREEEEE! 

So I am quite excited for the holidays, I really do need a break from school, having a few weeks to relax, enjoying christmas holidays with family and friends and to work on personal photography projects! Luckily I have found a few models who are down to shoot some projects with me so I am quite excited to practice during the holidays and to shoot! 

But before I start thinking about the holidays I must endure my last week of school and exams. Oh and work! YES WORK! I am working at a restaurant only for three days (last Saturday, this Friday and Saturday) to help out because they are super busy, which I don't mind because I get some money which I can put away in the bank… And I kind of need it! 

So that's good on my part and this morning I had an oil change for my car! (So not important but honestly I needed it so yes I had to write it in my blog) 


I woke up this morning in bed (duh) hoping for a huge snow storm. I check the clock and realize oh crap, I am late for my oil change. Look outside. SNOW STORM. HECK YES! 

So yeah, I guess the whole purpose of saying to you guys I had to get an oil change this morning seems suddenly very important to the rest of the blog.

Oh shush.

ANYWAYS, a part from my last blog in which I was feeling pretty down, I told myself this week I will feel more positive and start taking care of myself instead of waiting for others to take care of myself, and quite frankly I feel a lot better and I know I'm going through a ruff time, so it's normal to feel sad, but it's also very important to feel happy! 

And this morning, even if I am slowly recovering from a cold I caught from my dear old boyfriend, and I am tired very very tired, I am happy. And right now that's all what counts!


Friday, November 29, 2013

Lilo and Stitch

Hey dudes,

TGIF! It's friday finally which means we can go out and party and relax until a new week starts up again! Or maybe you guys can go out…. I will just content myself in staying home again…

I know boring, but hey I'm not really going to randomly go out on my own, like I'm not that super sociable person that can just do that, on the other hand I will look like a loner in a corner. Drunk. And so no I will just content myself to stay home cozy and write a blog.

So Finally! Today is the 29th which means I can publish the Black Sheep Fashion December issue photoshoot I did at the beginning of the month! Super excited cause I've been waiting for like forever to publish them because I spent so much time editing them and trying to make it the best of the best for you guys!
I think this is perhaps the best Fashion shoot I've done yet, lots of preparing and the crew was just awesome! Seriously, I've been going through a hard time and spending that day shooting with amazing fashionable people was awesome, just lifted my spirits a little and it means the world to me.

I felt wanted, and I haven't felt important or wanted in a while. So it felt good to be needed for a project where everyone creates something beautiful and I put it all together.

So thanks to Jessica, who is the Creative Director from The Black Sheep Fashion to give me this opportunity because honestly, it just means a lot! A lot more than you can even imagine!

A part from that, I just accomplished week 2 of 4 of exam session. ALMOST DONE GUYS! I honestly can't wait because it's draining me out and I can't wait to be able to focus on personal projects to content myself.

One thing many of my teachers have taught me is to keep doing personal photoshoots because if you just focus on contract work, you will lose your passion of photography and it won't be as much, and I know what he means because with all these exams I haven't had a time to focus on my personal projects and it will feel good during the holidays to just have fun with my camera instead of working on  homework.

So a part from that, this week has been hectic, I also managed to fit in my favourite movie: Lilo and Stitch. 
Ok yeah I know a kid movie, but watching it this week really made me realize why I love it so much. It represents me. I can relate myself to Lilo as being the loner that doesn't really have any friends, no one invites to things and that craves attention… 
Again, I am going through a depression and I realize that the closest friends I thought I had aren't fully there.. And I try contacting back but no one really wants to hang so I kind of wait at home, waiting for someone to perhaps want me in a way. So I can feel important and wanted again.

Lilo adopts Stitch, because she is alone and is sad. As to I who just adopted my little Isaac from a shelter…

It's funny how some movies can relate to you perfectly, it's just like songs. It's fun to always find a song that relates to you, you listen to it over and over and it makes you feel good.

I thought I might share this, not because I want you to feel sad for me, on the contrary, I just need to let it out. Because right now on this Friday night I feel alone and I need someone to talk to, and because no one is here, why not write a blog and let it out, it feels better when you express yourself. 
And after all, I am an artist.


Monday, November 25, 2013

Holiday vibe

Hey guys!!

Well I hope you all had a good weekend! Over in MTL it was FREEZING! I thought I would be able to go snowboarding again this weekend but it felt like -100 outside so I contended myself to stay home with my cat and boyfriend to just well… Relax!

Oh yeah I got my little M. Minou back Saturday and he is doing great! He still has medication but he's eating and being a cat again, or so I should say dog again! I have come to believe that Isaac is a dog inside a cats body! Umm yes! Because he follows me absolutely everywhere, and whenever I'm in the kitchen (literally every time) He miaows insanely because he wants food. and Saturday night when I made fresh xmas cookies for dessert he was begging to have some.. 
And he is very affectionate, which I can't complain because that's what I wanted, but when you think of it, cats are usually the kind of pet that needs alone time. But not THIS ONE!

Yes, I am slowly becoming a crazy cat lady… Sshhh, it's okay I mean great people in this world are crazy cat ladies! Like… Well Grace! (The Vogue artistic director) DUH! In case you didn't know.

So anyways a part from that I am now in exam time. (I would say exam week but sadly it's not the case considering my exams are on a period of 3 weeks) But to be honest, I'm loving it! Because that's the fun part of studying your passion! The exams become fun and challenging! Every day we have a new photo to deliver and it's so much fun spending time creating your photo and then spending the day in the studio doing your photo and then ending the day with your creation in which you are so proud! 
Last week I had me ''body'' project, in which I had to photograph a body part.
So I decided to base myself with legs, and had my mother come in as a model and my concept was Ballerina, so she had ballerina shoes and she was dancing away as I was photographing her beautiful legs! It was so much fun, and the results show it!

Then I had my natural light portrait exam in which I got to reconnect with an old friend back in grade school which was cool! I got to have a 2 hour photo session and came out with a beautiful portrait in which I had to print out and then we hung it at school to see everyones portraits!

Now this week I am also very excited because Wednesday I have my commercial portrait exam 1 (there are two) and then I have a object exam 1(there are 2 also) So that will be quite fun also!

So a part from that things are quite busy for me, the holidays are soon arriving, my christmas holiday vacation starts on Dec 13, so I'm quite excited to finish and focus a little bit on myself, relaxing and trying to cure my depression. 
Besides, the holidays are such happy times in life that I am excited to be into the christmas spirit! 
Well… I think my christmas spirit started saturday because I wrapped most of my gifts, and now all I need to get is my grandmothers gift, and oh my god I have no clue what to get her. 

But hey, I still have a month right?! :P I like to get all my gifts before December because it's less busy… I even got my little Isaac little christmas gifts for his stocking! (oh my god, I am a crazy cat lady!)

So anyways to this, I hope you all have a great week! And hey! If anyone is interested in family portraits for the holidays, I am a great photographer! Hint* Hint*
Message me if interested and we can plan a fun holiday shoot!

Enjoy, xo

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Long time no talk!

Hey guys!!

Okay so it has been a while, what like 2 weeks or so since my last blog?!

I guess you can thank exam week that has been excruciating because I've been running around, stressing out on creating concepts after concepts for my different exams and it is not over yet! So exam week is actually like exam month! My calendar is booked with studying and getting ready for all these projects and stress right now is at a high level.

But then again it's quite exciting because I have never been more creative in my whole life! There are so many concepts for exams I need to accomplish that I have no choice but to keep looking for inspiration images and finding new concepts and now that I have all my concepts I just want to shoot shoot shoot! 

IT'S INSANE! But it's awesome at the same time! 
It's like.. Fashion week, where everything happens at once, and it's incredibly tiring but incredibly exciting at the same time! 

Speaking of. I need 4 more models for December 4th so if anyone is interested message me and we can arrange that! 

Now other than that I also had a fashion photoshoot with the Black Sheep Fashion again at the beginning of the month! This time we shot in the studio and let me just tell you it was awesome!
We collaborated with Bang Couture to shoot their coats and oh my god they are really nice coats! Not to mention our beautiful model who wore them so perfectly! We also collaborated with Joe Fresh for the jewelry and Town shoes for the shoes!

It was a good day of studio work and a lot of fun, I also invited my friend who does videos to shoot a promo video of me and it was really cool to experience that also!

Like you guys might know, I am going through a depression and going back into the studio and shooting what I love the most and being with incredible people just uplifted my heart a bit and made me feel like before!

Also, in case you didn't know I adopted a cat from the SPCA! The sad thing is that he fell sick and I had to bring him back and now he is in hospitalization.. Grr. But the vet told me it is normal for shelter cats to get sick when they get adopted because they get stressed out in the beginning, but good news is that he is doing great! I have visited him a couple of times (I'm going today) and he should be able to come home sometime this week! Which will be great! 

Having an animal with me I think will just help me feel less lonely and make me feel more wanted in the way of taking care of a living thing. 
Plus he is so soft and cuddly! 

So to this, I can not post the photos just yet from the Black Sheep Fashion (I will be able to publish them on Nov. 30th) So until them here is a picture of Isaac, my new little adopted friend!

Enjoy, xo